Welcome to Bible Vision International Ministries

Bible Vision International Ministries is committed to the evangelization of the earth, in fulfillment of the Great Commission by the Lord Jesus Christ to all believers, to go into all the earth and preach the gospel (Matthew 28:18-20). We also provide biblical teachings to believers in Christ worldwide, in training and equipping them with all that they do need to do the works of God (John 6:28-29). We are committed to doing this in the demonstrations of the power of the Holy Spirit. This mission is fulfilled when those believers are rooted and grounded in Christ to be able to teach others what they have learned.

~ Ephesians 2:17; Colossians 2:6-7 and 2 Timothy 2:2

Message from the founder

National Anthem of Israel

The Voice of Healing

The Lord of host is your Healer.

To the end of the earth

As you are praying for the Great Harvest of Souls into the Kingdom of God, then consider also that

As Christians, our lives are meant to be a continuation of the Book of the Acts of Apostles. We were commissioned by the Lord, to be proclaiming the gospel until His return. There are still many nations, tribes, tongues, peoples around the world today, that are yet to be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

At Bible Vision International Ministries we are committed to taking the gospel to them, in the demonstration of the power of God. And without your persistent prayers and gifts we, would not have been able to do this.

According to Jesus:

The harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; therefore pray the Lord of the harvest to send out laborers into His harvest.”

Luke 10:2 (NKJV)

Before Christ, the Psalmist had also told us by the Spirit of the LORD:

“Ask of Me, and I will give You
The nations for Your inheritance,
And the ends of the earth for Your possession.”

Psalms 2:8 (NKJV)

Your prayers for each national on the mission field is so important. But as you are praying, you however need to understand that; we are also called to be more than givers and prayerful supporters, in helping them to fulfil the Great Commission. We are meant to be partners and active participants along with them, as they are doing these great works on the mission fields. They are our brothers and sisters in Christ.

The Lord’s call to the nations is so enormous, and Jesus has called every believer in his name to be part of it (Mark 16:15-18). And just as the Christians at Philippi were partners with Paul (Philippians 1:3-8), each of us can also partner with these missionaries, who are daily risking their lives for this great cause.

Your prayers and gifts has been powerful and effective, as we had been given the wonderful opportunities to see their effects in many nations. We therefore are inviting you to directly partner with these brothers and sisters, who are daily taking the gospel “to the end of the earth.”  We want you to connect with them, so as to know from them what your gifts and prayers are doing to “the end of the earth”. We want you to please fill out our contact form and let us know, how you will like to connect and partner with them.

To truly have fellowship with them, you will need to connect with each individual at a time. You cannot have fellowship with a nation, statistic or category of people through the newsletters or via our website.

Will you commit to partnering directly with those on the mission fields today? They are the ones on the front-line of the Great Commission. You surely will be blessed if you do. It will give you the opportunity to share in God’s grace with them. What a beautiful and joyful relationship it will be, for you to personally get to know each one of them.

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