Apart from the weekly outreach programs to the homeless on the streets of the Dallas/FortWorth area, in partnership with our local Church congregation at Bible Vision Center, Arlington, Texas, USA; Bible Vision International Ministries is actively supporting orphans in Kenya
Bible Vision International Ministries is weekly engaged in taking the gospel to the homeless in Fortworth, Texas. We do this in partnership with our local Church congregation (Bible Vision Center, Arlington, Texas). We are committed to evangelizing those who are weary and lost – giving hope in Christ Jesus, delivering the captives and restoring lives on our streets.
We also assist them with the resources and available information to help them on the way to full recovery. Many have been restored, reunited back with missing family members, drug addicts have been set free and the sick are being healed. We also feed them and assist them with warm clothing’s at the winter time.
Bible Vision International Ministries partners with the Pentecostal Students Fellowship at Rongo University Kenya, in many of their various outreaches to the rural areas of Kenya. The Students’ Outreach Team goes out regularly to villages and towns of Rural Kenya, that are yet to be reached with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This team of University Students does outreaches to many villages across Kenya.
The Masai people group of Kenya is one of the groups, that we do support the students in reaching out to with the gospel. The Masai tribe of Kenya is open to the gospel. Many of them do believe in healing, but because they are always on the move with their cows; very little has been done in planting churches among them. There are a few churches that are pastored by Masai tribesmen, with services in their local language.
Please, keep these young people in prayer as they take the good news to the Masai tribe.
We are committed to training and equipping the next generation Church leaders for Russia. It is increasingly getting difficult to train future leaders for Russia; but Bible Vision International Ministries works constantly with local Christian leaders in Siberia. Their Churches are commited to missionary works in villages and towns that are yet to be evangelized.
Russian missionaries are today very active in the neighboring nations, which are very hard for many foreign missionaries to get into within the region. The Lord is building His Church and the gospel is being preached daily to the end of the earth
There are 80 affiliate Churches and 250 rehabilitation centers that we work with in the region of Siberia alone.
Please, pray for the believers in Russia to remain bold and strong.