“And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.”
2 Corinthians 3:18 NIV

Spiritual transformation takes place in your life, as you begin to go from glory to glory, in taking what belongs to you in Christ Jesus. The spiritual truth that comes in helping you to locate, what your inheritances are in Christ Jesus, comes as the spiritual veils are being removed from your life. You will begin to know exactly what are yours. And your faith will be activated to go after them all.

Elihu said to Job about what brings this spiritual transformation for prosperity:

“But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.”
Job 32:8 KJV

Whenever the spiritual veil is removed for you to see your inheritances in Christ Jesus; then your spirit man will be able to receive, inspiration from God in understanding, how you are going to get the inheritances from God. You will begin to understand what to do, and how to do it.

This is the moment that God’s Spirit will inspire you, to start taking steps to invest in businesses, to sow financial seeds into other lives and to move what needs to be moved; so that your prosperity may begin to manifest. But the spiritual veil will need to be removed first.

For the spiritual veil to be removed, your spirit man needs enlightenment. That’s why Paul prayed for the Ephesians in this way:

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength”
Ephesians 1:17-19 NIV

To “know the hope to which he has called you” here, literally means to begin seeing with your spiritual eyes. Without your spiritual veil being removed, you can’t “see” with your heart. And if you can’t see with the heart, you won’t know the hope of your calling in Christ Jesus for financial prosperity. Your ability to see in the spirit helps you in knowing, what to hope for in Christ Jesus. Your blessings are revealed to you in this way. If you are not seeing to know anything, you definitely will be struggling in the flesh, for everything around you with your physical senses.

Spiritual enlightenment comes in this manner, as you yield yourself to praying more often in the spirit, about the promises of God to you from His written word. And as your spiritual eyes of understanding are being opened, the wisdom and revelation knowledge that will enable you, to start tapping into your blessing, will begin to flow through your heart.

This is why it’s so important to pray in the spirit over every word of God, that is enlightening you. When you do this, you are expanding the span of the word, that has been planted as a seed in you. You are able to get more insights from God, about the truth that sets free.

But your faith is the key to begin plugging into those revelations (Hebrews 11:6), so as to lay hold on them in doing exploits. Faith is the heavenly currency for your prosperity on the earth. Start using it to increase, multiply and replenish your world.

Let righteousness guide you into prosperity

David once said:

“The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness For His name’s sake.”
Psalms 23:1-3 NKJV

David was a righteous man who not only was prosperous; but he taught his children how to be prosperous also. A righteous man will always be led and guided, by the Lord into his prosperity. God’s word comes to him always. He is willing to obey the leading and guidance of the Holy Spirit. He finds it easy to submit to God’s word, because he knows that this is his pathway into financial prosperity.

Eliphaz (one of the friends of Job) once said:

“Submit to God and be at peace with him; in this way prosperity will come to you. Accept instruction from his mouth and lay up his words in your heart.”

Job 22:21-22 NIV

God’s word that is spoken into your heart prospers you. But it will only prosper you, if you are smart enough to submit yourself in obeying it. A righteous man finds it easier to submit himself, for God’s will to be done his life. He never struggles with obeying God’s word, since he knows that this is crucial for his prosperity:

The Bible says again that:

“In righteousness you shall be established; You shall be far from oppression, for you shall not fear; And from terror, for it shall not come near you.”
Isaiah 54:14 NKJV

Your right standing with God will make you unmovable and unshakable in your prosperity. When others around you are struggling to prosper financially, your heart will be established to trust more in the Lord for it (see Psalms 112:6-9). This is how your righteousness will cause a spiritual downpour of blessing into your life.

As you are prospering spiritually, you will begin to prosper materially and financially also. There are Christians today who only believe in spiritual prosperity. Many of them believe that material and financial prosperity is of the unsaved world.  But it is your righteousness in Christ Jesus, that is shining brighter and brighter; which empowers you to be able to sustain the prosperity itself. As you are glowing in righteousness, so also are you firmly established in bearing more fruit in your prosperity.

Receive the blessing first into your life

The downpour of spiritual wisdom into your heart, will bring streams of financial income sources into your life. God desires for you to live in financial abundance. It is the investment ideas that often comes to you, in the form of spiritual wisdom which God has given you; that will cause you to start creating streams of financial income to prosper your life and ministry.

Unfortunately many Christians don’t often tap into such wisdom. That explains why they do struggle with the finances, to do what God called them to do for Him. You’ve got to be spending much more time than before by praying in the spirit, so as to be able to tap into more wisdom and insights from God. It will propel you spiritually into doing greater things for God.

The abundance of blessing and prosperity of the Lord will not come to you, if all that your faith life is solely depending on, is the paycheck as your only source of financial income. God wants you to use your faith, in creating various channels of income sources around yourself. The Lord will lead you and guide you into your prosperity. But you’ve got to get rid of the spiritual veils first, for enlightenment to come to you. The Holy Spirit requires an upright spirit in you, so that He can be able to work through your life.

Your financial prosperity will never come to you, by working yourself out on two or three jobs. All that this does to you is to sap you out of, the spiritual energy in you to tap into the wisdom of God. It’s a blessing strangler. Working too hard like this, because of the financial strains on your family life and the ministry; will take your focus away from your ability to tap into God’s wisdom. It will kill your ability to even enjoy what you are working for. Watch out! It is basically toiling or slaving yourself to the mentality of the world. Remember that we walk by faith and not by physical sights (2 Corinthians 5:7)

And that’s what Satan wants you to do. He wants you to realign yourself with the ways of the world around you. God does not want you to toil for a living. You will need to be using your faith, to take what is spiritually available for you, to manifest your blessing into your natural world. Your faith walk before God is your connecting key, into the blessing and your financial prosperity.

The Blessing Harvest is yours

The Lord once spoke these words through the Prophet Ezekiel:

“I will make them and the places surrounding my hill a blessing. I will send down showers in season; there will be showers of blessing. The trees will yield their fruit and the ground will yield its crops; the people will be secure in their land. They will know that I am the Lord, when I break the bars of their yoke and rescue them from the hands of those who enslaved them.”
Ezekiel 34:26-27 NIV

Are you deep in financial debt right now? God promises here to deliver you, from the hands of those who are using financial debts to enslave you. He promised here to not only bless you. But He said He will make you a source of blessing to others, in such a way that other people around you, will start to give God the glory for your life.

There is a difference between being blessed, and being a source of blessing to others. It is possible to be blessed, without necessarily being a blessing to others. People who are blessed without spreading their blessing to others, are limiting the potentials of God to bless them more.

But how will God cause the blessing to come upon you? According to the Prophet Ezekiel, he will do this by causing a downpour of the blessing, into your life and upon the mountain; where your Holy Temple is situated. The Holy Temple today will be your local Church, where you are committed to tithing.

In other words the downpour of the blessing, will flow into your life from the local Church; as you become more diligent in the word that gives you faith, among the congregation of the righteous.

This points clearly to the role of the Church in equipping the Saints for prosperity. Your “Holy hill” today will therefore be the height of the spiritual revelation, which you are receiving from the presence of God, at the local congregation where the Lord has planted you.

This happens as the word of wisdom for your prosperity comes into your heart, when the Word of God about it is being preached. Your Holy hill is the place, where all your struggles in life for achievements ceases. You will be able to just stand still, on that spiritual hill of the revelation from God by faith, as God’s word begins to manifest, what you are expecting Him to do for you.

This was the position where Daniel was spiritually located, when the king of Babylon told him:

“I have heard that the spirit of the gods is in you and that you have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom.”
Daniel 5:14 NIV

Daniel was not toiling at all in Babylon. He was always seeking and living by the words that came from the mouth of God. He often worked less within the Babylonian system, while spending more time in the presence of God. He sought God always for wisdom, even while there was a conspiracy to kill him (see Daniel chapters 2 and 6). He became wealthy, but he never allowed his wealth to distract him away from God. Daniel received insights and enlightenments even into our world today, as he spent more time in God’s presence.

Whenever there is a downpour of blessing from God into your life, you will never need to do anything more than; to fight the good fight of faith under such anointing. God’s word in your life will always fight for you.

The downpour of spiritual rain here symbolizes the abundance of spiritual revelations, from God into your heart to lead and guide you, into different things that you can do to prosper yourself.

Remember that if you are not investing into anything right now, then your life will be totally dependent on your paycheck. But God will cause a spiritual shower to fall into your life, in the form of different ideas at innovations, which will create various sources of income around you. You were never created by God, to be totally dependent on only one source of income in life.

The revelations from God are the showers of blessing. God will not cause finances to fall from the skies into your life; but He will give you streams of revelations, in the form of the showers of blessing. Your faith will therefore need to be activated, in making the revelations a physical or material reality in prospering you.

How does the spiritual showers cause this to happen? It happens through the illumination of your heart with the revelations, that you are receiving from God’s word. These are the showers of blessing. And often a times such revelations flows through your heart, in streams of ideas from the Holy Spirit. Revelation comes through illumination of the heart. Illumination is the spiritual light from God’s word, that brightens your heart through divine enlightenment. How often are you taking notes of what God is revealing to your heart? Are you writing those things down? Don’t miss out of your blessings. Begin to tap into them today.

You see illumination brightens your heart, to bring enlightenment into your life. When the illumination of your heart takes place, every darkness around your spiritual life disappears. This is how wisdom from the Lord will start flowing through you.

Many Christians often get excited, and do like to shout and rejoice whenever they do receive a revelation from God’s word. But very few are really making use of what they are receiving from the Lord, to prosper themselves. What are you going to do with those revelations in your life today? Begin tapping into them today, as you pray more oftener than before in the Holy Ghost.

1 Comment
  1. Zoliswa Patricia Ngcala 5 months ago

    Wow Glory be to God I’m connecting from South Africa thank you Jesus for this Powerful Ministry I give Glory to our Lord and saver Amen I’m blessed and I’m almost there you have open my mind I’m so excited but I can control my excitement because I’ve been through to so many things in life I know for sure I do have a calling thank you very much Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤❤

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