When Adam and Eve lost God’s glory, it resulted in a set up for the spiritual warfare between the Seed of God and that of the devil to start. The devil had beguiled Adam and Eve through the serpent, by using the serpent as his vessel for the temptation which led to their fall. As a consequence of this evil plot the Lord had told the serpent:
“And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her Seed; He shall bruise your head, And you shall bruise His heel.”
Genesis 3:15 NKJV
From that moment onwards there was enmity between the devil’s seed and the Seed of God. We as Christians are the offspring of the Seed of God. When the devil sees you, he sees God’s Seed. This enmity has always been at the root cause of all spiritual warfare.
The bruising of the serpent’s head reveals to us what we (as Christians) are capable of doing in this spiritual warfare, as we enforce the Name of God’s Seed (Jesus) over the devil and his seeds. The seeds of the devil are his demons, or the dismembered angelic bodies, who are roaming about looking for a body to be clothed with on the earth.
Whenever as Christians we are using the Name of Jesus against him, we are actually disorienting and disorganizing the mindset of the enemy. The head of the serpent (devil) contains his brain and his computing command center, from where he taps into the necessary information, that can be used to plan and strategize against the believers. The head of “the serpent” here is the satanic data center.
When you are using the Name of Jesus against him, you’re bruising his head. You are inflicting a huge damage to his spiritual arsenal. You are not only able to stop these arsenal from being used against you; but you are able to also incapacitate their thinking and planning potentials, against God’s purposes for your life.
Every seed has an embryo. It’s the manufacturing center of the seed. The center of the devil’s seed is his embryo. When you bruise his head in the Name of Jesus, you are destroying the center of his mind consciousness. He then looses the ability to do anything productive against you.
The bruising of your heel in this spiritual warfare reveals, what the enemy is also capable of doing to you as the offspring of God’s Seed. The heel is the part of the body which we normally use for mobility. In other words when the enemy bruises your heel as the seed of God, he may be able to slow you down, so as to distract you from the will of God for your life. He bruises your heel so as to slow you down in the plan and purpose of God for your life.
The Prophet Isaiah once said about the Seed of God:
“But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed.”
Isaiah 53:5 NKJV
Jesus was bruised on the heel when those nails were put on His feet, so as to hang Him on the cross at Calvary. The devil thought he was destroying the Seed of God when he did it. But it was not meant to last for long, because Jesus came off the cross in victory. He went to hell to finally crush the head of the serpent, and the devil himself. If the heel of Jesus was bruised, don’t expect the enemy not to come against your heel also.
A bruise is the most fatal injury that the enemy can use against anyone. It can cause internal and external injuries to the human body. In fact most Physicians today do acknowledge that it is the major cause of sicknesses and diseases in the body. Jesus died of a heart injury (or broken heart) on the cross. The bruising of His heel caused that. But by the power of God the bruises and the injury on Jesus were healed, as God the Father raised Him up from the dead on the third day. A three day delay by the devil resulted in the harvest of many seeds to God’s glory today.
The devil may be thinking that, he is delaying the return of God’s Son to reign on the earth, but that’s not the end of the story. We have won this spiritual warfare anyway! The devil can’t get to your born again spirit man at all. He had completely lost you when you surrendered your heart to Jesus. Glory be to God! But he may still attack you on the heel, in order to distract you away from the purpose of God for your life.
That’s why you have to do what Paul said you must do always in spiritual warfare:
“And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.”
Ephesians 6:15 AMPC
Your ability to stand firm with the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ, makes the assault of the enemy against you ineffective. The gospel of peace is the Seed that you are sowing everywhere you go with your foot. You have no business getting yourself involved with the agents or seeds of the evil one. They will hinder your effectiveness in what the Lord has called you to do. You have to be firm, stable, prompt and ready to give a blow to the enemy with the gospel of peace.
You are the peacemaker who has been sent out by Jesus to reconcile the world back to God. The Prophet Isaiah declared your feet as being beautiful (see Isaiah 52:7). Jesus also said:
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.”
Matthew 5:9 NIV
You are blessed because of the peace that you are making for the world to return back to God. And as the “children of God” you are the seeds of God to the world. Your seeds will surely bring glory to God. The devil grinds his teeth everywhere he sees you; but he can’t really do much because he knows, that you have the authority to use the Name of Jesus against him. He is a very bad looser.
Christ is revealed as the Seed
The Seed of the woman had bruised the head of the serpent. That’s why we are victorious. And whether the devil likes it or not, the Kingdom of God will continue to forcefully advance against him (Matthew 11:12). We are taking the kingdom of this world back to our God as a trophy.
But as Christians we must understand that the Kingdom of God on the earth does not come by observations, but through the revelation of the Seed of God. And that revelation of the Kingdom of God is within you. You carry the Seed of God’s revelation about His Kingdom inside of you. Jesus said:
“.. The kingdom of God does not come with signs to be observed or with visible display, Nor will people say, Look! Here [it is]! or, See, [it is] there! For behold, the kingdom of God is within you [in your hearts] and among you [surrounding you].”
Luke 17:20b-21 AMPC
The revelation of the Seed of God in your life is His glory living inside of you. And that glory with the revelation of the Seed is waiting for manifestation to the world. As Paul said:
“God did this because he wanted you Gentiles to understand his wonderful and glorious mystery. And the mystery is that Christ lives in you, and he is your hope of sharing in God’s glory.”
Colossians 1:27 CEV
The mystery of the Seed of God is intertwined with Christ living and being alive in you at all times, constantly willing to manifest through you to the outside world. In other words God’s Kingdom on the earth that reveals healing, deliverance and prosperity to the world is already inside of you. That’s what the world is longing to see manifested through you.
Financial prosperity is as spiritual as your salvation also in the Kingdom of God. You can’t plug into it with the wisdom and financial traditional system of men. And that’s exactly what some Christians are doing. It has resulted in them being in the financial situations that they are in today. The world’s system is continuously being manipulated by the devil, to choke them up away from the purposes of God for their lives. They know that they have no business with the world, but they have been deceived that it’s the only way available for them to walk in the promises of God to them.
Initially God’s spiritual principles for your financial prosperity, may look as if it won’t work on the face value. But you will need faith to be able to plug into it, so as to become a doer of it. For everything that is being done by faith brings God the glory.
The Seed is therefore a revelation that must be opened by the Holy Spirit to you personally. The wisdom and traditions of men can never do it for you. You can’t get it by believing and doing what others are saying about the Seed to you. It has to be a personal revelation to you.
You can’t get it without pressing into it by the spirit. Your ability to sow spiritual seeds into your own personal life, will open you up into this mystery by the Holy Spirit. Seeds that are being sowed in this way has to be sacrificial and not appropriated. You can never appropriate the blessing of God.
David once said as he was about to sow a sacrificial seed that delivered Israel from the plague:
“But the king (David) said to Araunah, “No. I’ve got to buy it from you for a good price; I’m not going to offer GOD, my God, sacrifices that are no sacrifice.” So David bought the threshing floor and the ox, paying out fifty shekels of silver. He built an altar to GOD there and sacrificed burnt offerings and peace offerings. GOD was moved by the prayers and that was the end of the disaster.”
2 Samuel 24:24-25 MSG
A sacrificial offering like this to God is a seed. When you begin to sow seeds sacrificially, you will definitely get the attention of Heaven. God will be moved to act on your behalf, just as He was moved by the sacrificial seed of David. And Jesus was also moved by the sacrificial seed of the widow who sowed her last coin in the Temple (Mark 12:41-44).
You can’t get anything from the presence of God without sowing seeds. You can’t come into His presence without something that’s of value to you, and expect to receive from Him. You may even be fasting and praying until Jesus returns, but if you are not sowing seeds as you are praying, the principles of the Kingdom of God for your prosperity will not work for you.
And seeds doesn’t necessarily has to be money. Seeds are words also. The Bible says:
“Take words with you, And return to the LORD. Say to Him, “Take away all iniquity; Receive us graciously, For we will offer the sacrifices of our lips.”
Hosea 14:2 NKJV
Words that comes out of your mouth before God, as sacrifices should never be cheap. They are valuable because they are coming from the heart, and not from the head. They have to be words that are coming out of your personal initiatives, in your quest for the revelation about the harvest.
And if you’re not addicted to the word of God, you can never be a good sower of such seeds. The devil will defeat you, if you’re just a head or a hand sower alone. And many are exactly like that these days. They are used to sowing without a heart devotion to God.
You will need to be sowing seeds with your heart, so as to be able to plug into the revelation of God’s own Seed. The heart is where faith is. It’s not in your head, so that it may make sense to you. Neither is it in your hand, so that you may start wondering about what you have to sow. Faith in sowing seeds comes from a heart devotion and love for God.
When you are sowing seeds with the heart, it reveals your obedience to God. A good sower is always ready to obey God. The seed of such a sower takes him completely off the system of this world. God then becomes his source. He recognizes God as the Giver of his seeds:
“And [God] Who provides seed for the sower and bread for eating will also provide and multiply your [resources for] sowing and increase the fruits of your righteousness [which manifests itself in active goodness, kindness, and charity].”
2 Corinthians 9:10 AMPC
Begin to see Christ as the Seed of God
Jesus Christ is that revelation of God’s Seed. The anointing on the Seed sets Him apart from the world. Jesus revealed Himself to us through this action of God to save the world, when He said:
“The sower sows the Word.”
Mark 4:14 AMPC
Jesus is the Seed (Word) that God spoke through the angel into the womb of the Virgin Mary. The mystery of all ages to save the world was revealed in Christ Jesus, as the Seed of God was manifested in human flesh. The Bible says:
“And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God.”
Luke 1:35 NKJV
The overshadowing by the Holy Spirit caused God’s Seed to become the Son of God. The mystery of the Seed of God was revealed to Mary by the Holy Spirit in this process. It was a mystery to her also. It never made sense to her at the time. She lived all her life trying to understand the Seed of God, that she had carried in her womb. As a young virgin she didn’t even know the extent, to which her act of obedience to God’s voice would go to bring salvation to all men.
In fact everything that God does can never make sense to anyone. God is beyond our reasoning. That’s why the world can never get to know Him through reasoning or philosophical discussions. But Mary accepted the Seed of God into her womb, in a very simple act of obedience. She just wanted to be in the will of God, and God honored her faith.
The Holy Spirit gave the Zoe life to the seed egg in her womb. And that seed egg became the Seed of God, as she received the spoken words of the angel. Anything that the Holy Spirit overshadows is devoted to God. That’s how God became Man (the Seed) to save the world. Her immediate response to the angel signaled that, the Seed had been sowed to manifest the Son of God. She told the angel:
… “Behold the maidservant of the Lord! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the angel departed from her.”
Luke 1:38 NKJV
John puts what happened at that moment in this way:
“And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth.”
John 1:14 NKJV
The Word became flesh. That’s why it’s important for you to note that, every time you are meditating on the Word, you’re actually sowing seeds towards your harvest within your own heart. The seeds of God’s word in your life works always mysteriously. It will work in your life, just as it worked in the life of Jesus on the earth.
Whenever you are meditating on God’s word, you’re sowing seeds that will bring you the harvest into your life. It will make you fruitful and cause you to multiply and replenish the earth. David said of the man who is constantly sowing seeds:
“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law he meditates day and night. He shall be like a tree Planted by the rivers of water, That brings forth its fruit in its season, Whose leaf also shall not wither; And whatever he does shall prosper.”
Psalms 1:2-3 NKJV
He is like a fruitful and prosperous tree. The seeds will eventually grow up to become trees, because he is sowing the seeds by the rivers of water. That’s how God gives him the wisdom to be fruitful and prosper in everything that he does. The rivers of water is a reference to what the Holy Spirit does to make the seeds grow. He causes you to reap in wisdom and understanding, about what you will have to do in the world around you, to become fruitful and prosperous.
The act of meditation on the word of God is the sowing of seeds, that a righteous man does to receive the revelation of Jesus. He is constantly doing this for the revelation of Jesus to come to him. He prospers with every revelation that God brings to him in this way. David then told us how the true revelation of light brings prosperity to the righteous man:
“For the Lord watches over the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked leads to destruction.”
Psalms 1:6 NIV
Again he said:
“Surely, Lord, you bless the righteous; you surround them with your favor as with a shield.”
Psalms 5:12 NIV
God has His eyes on the way of such a person who is meditating on His word continually to make him prosperous. He surrounds him with His favor as a shield of protection, so as to make everything that he does to bring him prosperity. Everywhere that such a man goes for anything, the favor of God goes ahead of him to prosper him. That’s how he becomes rich and wealthy in his business dealings. He is constantly sowing seeds everywhere he goes.
Are you a seed sower? Or are you the type of Christian who just likes to eat the seeds, that God gives you to sow? If you are not a sower, then you are definitely not a reaper. You should not be expecting a harvest.
Are you sowing seeds as a way of life? If you are, then your prosperity shall come suddenly in a way that only God can do. That revelation is coming to you now. You are going to be so rich and wealthy as you continue to tap into the wisdom from this principle of God’s Kingdom. Begin to walk in it now.