The Lord Jesus Christ is our Healer. It’s in His perfect will to heal you and restore you back to good health. But if you are not taking good care of your body by eating and drinking in the right way, you can forfeit the healing and good health that’s yours in Christ Jesus.
Apart from being able to heal us God wants us to be taking good care of our body. We are different from one another in the ways and manners, that the body reacts to the food that we are eating. What is good for your body may not be ideal and healthy for another person.
Each person needs to find out what works best for him, instead of stereotyping others concerning the foods that they are eating.
There are many people today who are suffering from life threatening diseases, because they have tried out the food that their friends are eating. The food that they tried out have reacted negatively to their body system.
Those who are living and walking in the flesh will always eat and drink anything, for as long as it satisfies the cravings of their flesh. To these people anything that tastes good, or even looks nice is okay to consume. They are easily moved and swayed by the popular opinion of the world around them to their own detriment, when it comes to the food that they are eating.
But a man of faith knows what is best for his own body. He listens to his inner man before eating or drinking anything. He doesn’t just eat anything that is being offered to him by others.
As Christians we need to be very careful about what we are eating, so that we don’t defile the body by eating unhealthy food. The enemy has a lot of unhealthy foods all over the place. He is looking for those who can be deceived with his ploy through what they are consuming.
The Lord told me sometimes ago that a lot of His people are constantly bringing defilements to their body system, through what they are eating and drinking. They are not paying attention to what the enemy is doing to target them.
They had made themselves liable to the attacks of the devil with unhealthy foods. The defilements have affected their walk of faith before the Lord. They don’t fellowship in God’s word and prayer anymore.
Food has taken over their time of fellowship with the Lord, to the extent that they are now being led by smells and sights in picking their diets.
However the Bible says:
“For we walk by faith, not by sight.”
II Corinthians 5:7 NKJV
We don’t need to be allowing the distractions of the world around us to take our eyes off the faith walk, when it comes to what we are eating.
When Jesus fed the multitude with a few loaves of bread and fishes, He did it by faith. He was not moved or swayed by the needs of the crowd. He did not allow the size of the crowd to move Him. It was by faith that He fed them to their satisfaction, without the loaves and fishes affecting the health of anyone in the crowd.
There was no one who reported being allergic or sick as a result of eating the loaves and fish, because Jesus by faith gave thanks for the food before being distributed to the crowd. Anything that is done by faith brings the blessing, instead of defilement to the body.
They ate and had some leftovers remaining. It’s important to note here that Jesus never threw away the leftovers. The leftovers from both of the instances of feeding the crowd, were kept in baskets for others (Matthew 14:13-21 and 15:32-39).
I strongly do believe that they were used to feed the homeless and destitute, because Jesus had the care of all men on His heart.
That’s what faith does. Faith does not see hindrances, but it sees opportunities for God to be glorified. Faith exploits every opportunity for the Lord to be glorified. And it was in this way that the Lord fed the millions of Israelites in the desert for forty years also.
Anything that we do by faith will always come to perfection. It is what brings excellence into the body system, when we are being led from the inside out to choose our diets. It brings healing to the body and complete restoration of perfect health to our bones.
Why do you have to die young?
It’s very unfortunate to see how some Christians are taking the curves with unhealthy foods, and thereby shortening their days on the earth.
King Solomon once said:
“Do not be overwicked, and do not be a fool— why die before your time?”
Ecclesiastes 7:17 NKJV
Don’t be over wicked on your body in the way you are eating. In other words, stop abusing your body system with food. It will only make you look like a fool, when you eventually do get sick by doing that.
King Solomon concluded this statement with the question about how the timing of our death, is connected with how we are treating and caring for the body.
People die before their time due to their own foolishness, as they are abusing their body with unhealthy food. They are doing stupid things that cost them their own lives as a result of food.
As long as we are living on the earth we will always hunger and thirst for physical food. No one can ever escape that. This however is not an excuse for the lack of discernment in what we are eating, and how we are eating. It takes faith for you to be able to discern accurately.
One day you will get to Heaven where food will never be needed anymore. You won’t ever be hungry for food or water when you get to Heaven. Every need for your physical body will be gone, because you will be covered by God’s glory in the same manner, that the glory covered Adam and Eve before they fell into temptation.
The Bible says that when you eventually get to your heavenly home:
“They shall neither hunger anymore nor thirst anymore; the sun shall not strike them, nor any heat; for the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will shepherd them and lead them to living fountains of waters. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.””
Revelation 7:16-17 NKJV
Isn’t that marvelous? There will be no concern about food in Heaven. There will be no heat in Heaven. And that means you will never sweat for anything there. You will have the Lamb of God to personally guide you to the living fountain of waters in Heaven.
God the Father is the One taking care of your needs for healthy foods on this earth now. But He draws that supply from the riches that Jesus had already stored up for you in Heaven (Philippians 4:19).
Every time you pray in the name of Jesus to the Father, He draws the answer to your prayer from the riches that Christ Jesus had stored up for you in Heaven. This means that you can enjoy Heaven on the earth with God, if your faith is in His providence power to supply those needs.
And anything that you are drawing from your supply source in Heaven on this earth is being drawn by faith. Faith is the currency of Heaven. You can’t get anything from there without using your faith here on the earth.
And your need for healthy foods on the earth are included in that supply chain of Heaven. Can you imagine what it will be like when you get to Heaven, only to discover that everything that were supposed to be yours on the earth are there?
But then you never made any use of those riches on the earth, because you never asked for those riches by faith from the Father in the name of Jesus.
Heaven is going to be full of surprises about what many are missing out on the earth.
That’s why it’s not a good idea to be taking those short corners with what you are eating. Go for the best and healthiest diets. God wants you to be eating healthy and not fumbling with food.
And if you had been taking the corners with your eating habits before, there is an opportunity available for you to turn things around. You can make things right for your own prosperity now. A turn around opportunity gives you the chance to change things for good. Don’t miss out of it today.