To soar like the eagle your strength must be renewed

The scriptures tell us that:

“He (God) gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, And the young men shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the Lord Shall renew their strength; They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”
‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭40:29-31‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

It is the Lord God Almighty who gives strength to those who are weak. The weak however needs to wait in God’s presence for their strength to come, just as the eagle waits for the renewal of its strength.

Patience is a great virtue while waiting on the Lord. An eagle is a patient bird, even as it waits on the mountain top for the renewal of its strength. A renewed strength is essential for it to be able to do greater exploits in the air. The strength of an eagle is solely reliant on its wings in the air. 

The old wings had to be pulled out for the new stronger wings to grow out. Patience in waiting for the new wings is a great discipline in the character trait of an eagle. As Christians we can all learn a lot from the life of an eagle. An eagle is never in a hurry to soar in the air, until the new wings are ready. 

An eagle symbolizes the divine presence of the Almighty God (Psalms 18:10). Its dwelling is far away from the other birds and animals. It is from this position on the mountain top, that it is observing their activities in the wilderness or in the forests. Eagles like to live on mountain tops, desert crags, caves or if in the deeply forested areas, on the top of the tallest trees. 

Figuratively our activities as the people of God on the earth ought to be like that of an eagle in the air. Even though we are living in the world, we however are not of this world (Philippians 3:20). 

A Christian who is not spending enough time with the Lord alone, cannot have an authentic spiritual insight into what is going on in his world. 

The Lord God alone has the answers to all the problems of this world. And He relies on us as Christians to be readily available in being used by Him, in bringing His solution into every problem of the earth. 

We therefore are living in the world as His agents of change in transforming the nations. We are living on the earth to bring His will to come to pass, as it is in the Heavens (Matthew 6:10). 

And just as an eagle observes from a higher secured position the activities of other birds and animals; we are also able to observe the activities of our unsaved world in the spirit and by the Spirit. The purpose of our observation is mainly for us to be able to pray more effectively for a lost world. We pray in bringing the will of the Father to come to pass on the earth.

Every Christian does have the presence of the Lord God, everywhere that he goes on the earth. God is with you in everything that you are doing. We are able to do exploits with our faith, because of His presence that is with us. 

It’s the presence of the Lord that marks us out for the enemy. The devil recognizes us everywhere that we go, and in everything that we are doing. We are therefore dangerous to him and his works on the earth, because of God’s presence that’s with us.

Through our activities (prayer and intercession) on the earth, we are able to soar like the eagle; even as we are mounting up with our spiritual wings. Our spiritual eye of understanding spiritual truth is alert, because of the presence of the Lord God within us. 

And just as the eagle is able to see the activities of other birds and animals from a far distance with its eyes, we are able to see many things in the world around us.

Sharpen your confession of faith 

Your confession must be sharp like an eagle’s beak

Our mouth therefore with our confession of faith has to be sharp, just as an eagle’s beak is renewed in the process of renewing its strength. The confession of our faith is in the declaration of the Covenant promises of God to us.

A Christian who is waiting on the Lord God to fulfill His promises to him, is never tired or weary of confessing those promises. He keeps on confessing them tenaciously, until his confession reaches an overflow in his mouth for the renewal of his strength.

The scripture says according to the Amplified Translation:
“Inasmuch then as we [believers] have a great High Priest who has [already ascended and] passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession [of faith and cling tenaciously to our absolute trust in Him as Savior].”
‭Hebrews‬ ‭4:14‬ ‭AMP‬‬

The ability to hold on fast to confessing the same thing by faith can be monotonous, especially if you are not doing it with joy. That’s why we do have the Holy Spirit living in our lives, to give us joy with our confession of faith. He helps us when weariness or tiredness sets in to prevent us from confessing the good confession of our faith. He is the One who moves us by faith in declaring, what is believed with the heart. He does this by satisfying our mouth with the good things to be confessing.

New resources to do the works of the Kingdom are being confessed in this way. But we must learn to cling tenaciously by faith, to those Spirit given words in our daily confession of faith.  

The Psalmist says:

“Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle’s.”
‭‭Psalms‬ ‭103:5‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

The Lord God is the one who is putting the right words in your mouth to be confessing. You will declare a thing and it shall come to pass. That’s how your youth is renewed like the eagle’s. 

Words were used by God in creating everything around you. He expects every one of us to be using words in creating new things on the earth. He alone knows the right words for every situation in your life, that has the power to turn it around. When a Christian is yielding to Him and abiding in His word, He will fill up his mouth with the right words to be confessing for every situation in his life (Psalms 81:10). 

And just as it takes time for an eagle to get its beak renewed, it takes time also for a Christian to be strong in the confession of his faith also. In the same way it takes time to wean a child into adulthood. It also takes time to train a new believer in Christ into spiritual maturity. 

Everything that we do as Christians has a time element that goes with it. That’s why we don’t give up with the confession of our faith. Those who give up can’t inherit the promises of God. 

If an eagle never gives up but waits on the mountain top for its wings to be strong for soaring, you don’t have to give up. God expects so much from you. Don’t let the enemy steal the word of your confession from your mouth. Keep on holding to your good confession of faith, and you will eventually inherit the promises of God.

Be ready in season and out of season 

Get yourself ready to soar like an eagle

The time of waiting for an eagle on the mountain top is meant for the new claws to emerge on its feet. It needs the new claws to become firmer and stronger than before, in holding on to its preys. 

And in the process of waiting an eagle will occasionally test the new claws, on the top of a hard rock while waiting on the mountain. It will do this to make sure that the new claws and the feet are able, to withstand the pressure on the rock. 

Jesus does not want anything to stand in your way of obeying His word. When He said “go ye” He really meant it. That’s why He will heal you first of all your ailments and sicknesses, before sending you out into His harvest.
He will give you a personal testimony of healing, that will encourage others who are in need of healing in a lost world. You are not only strong in your feet and ready to go, but your testimony of healing is what He will use in touching other lives.

That’s why our feet as the disciples of Jesus Christ have to be ready to go anywhere, for the declaration of the gospel of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 6:15). 

It’s just as the new claws of an eagle has to be stronger, firmer and swifter in taking and holding on to its preys. We must be stronger, firmer and swifter also in winning souls for God’s Kingdom and discipling them. To be able to hold on to a newly saved disciple of Jesus Christ, that new believer in Christ Jesus must be taught well and accurately. 

That’s how we hold on to the newly saved souls without letting the enemy snatch them back from God’s Kingdom. Good quality and practical teachings of Jesus is the healthy spiritual diet that they need.

There are many Churches around the world today, that are in need of sound biblical and practical teachings. To be religiously discipled does not mean that, a Christian is biblically and practically taught.

That’s why many are just sitting down on the pews, without doing anything with their faith. It’s because they have not been practically and biblically discipled, to produce spiritual fruit with their faith.   

When a new believer in Christ is being spiritually fed well, he will be healthy spiritually, physically and with a sound mind. A well discipled believer in Christ will bear fruit in the Kingdom of God. 

There are many instances when crusades are being held with many souls being saved; but the newly saved believers are not being spiritually fed. If you are not prepared to feed them with the right spiritual food for their growth, why conducting such crusades? 

Jesus went everywhere preaching and teaching the crowd that followed Him (Matthew 9:35). The early disciples did the same thing also (Acts 5:42). They never left the new converts without the right spiritual food for their growth. 

And Jesus expects the same of us all also. The ability of the early Apostles to properly disciple the new converts, with sound biblical teachings led to the daily increases that the early Church experienced.

The harvest today is ripe, but the laborers are few. Pray that the Lord of the harvest will send more laborers into His harvest (Psalms 2:8). 

As the nations are ready to receive Jesus, how prepared are you to being used by the Lord in the end time harvest? 

1 Comment
  1. Alice 2 months ago

    God bless the publisher of this post.

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