The extent to which you are making sacrifices, by resisting the influence of the world in your life, is the extent to which God’s perfect will be manifested in your life; as you give yourself to searching the scriptures daily and praying in the Holy Spirit.
Don’t let your spiritual growth be measured by relying on these weekly newsletters alone. Search the scriptures for yourself to find out the wise counsel of God for your particular situations. Just because something works for someone else doesn’t means it’s the solution for your own situation.
The mysteries of God are eternal. But on the other side the mysteries of the kingdom of darkness, are limited in its scope of operation and influence in this world. Satan knows certain truth about the Kingdom of God, but he has polluted that truth in putting people into bondages. The only truth that sets free comes through the revelation of the divine mysteries of God.
This is the truth that you have been called upon as a child of God to keep on seeking. And there is no end to it, because there is no end to the mysteries of God.
The moment you think that you have gained access into some of it, the more you will soon discover that you do know very little. Even when you get into eternity with God, you will find out that you are still learning from His presence.
Turn it all around
Remember that the people from whom you are seeking answers are human beings just like you. Yet it’s a staggering fact that, Christians do often waste a lot of money, by seeking answers to their problems, from the ungodly people of this world. They do know that the scriptures has all the answers which they need; but they won’t consult with God’s word or with His Spirit. And many of these so called counselors or specialists, do have their own issues also, that they are battling with. But God alone has everyone in His hand.
As the Prophet Isaiah said:
“And when they say to you, “Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,” should not a people seek their God? Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony! If they do not speak according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.”
Isaiah 8:19-20 NKJV
The only truth that you need on the earth, is the truth that you will need, to do what He has called you to do. That truth will set you free indeed. It is the truth that will take you into the knowledge of the operation of the Kingdom of God on earth, where Satan can never touch you.
And no matter what you are facing right now, never forget that the Holy Spirit lives inside of you. If you are determined to keep yourself abreast of the promises of God for you in that situation; the Holy Spirit – the Greater One who lives in you will put you over and far above that situation. That’s what He does at all times, if you will let Him:
“But you belong to God, my dear children. You have already won a victory over those people, because the Spirit who lives in you is greater than the spirit who lives in the world.”
1 John 4:4 NLT