Healing is primarily spiritual before it becomes physically manifested in the body. Every spiritual cause of sickness and disease has to be removed before the physical symptoms can be eliminated.

And in most cases the physical symptoms will disappear on their own, as soon as the spiritual underlying causes are removed.

It’s the presence of sin that points directly to the type of spiritual problem in any human life. As soon as sin is being dealt with, the door will be open for the blessing of the Lord, to start pouring into that person’s life.

Every blessing is spiritual before it can physically manifest. You however need to use your faith to see the blessing first in the spirit, before you can even receive it. Faith manifests the blessing physically.

The healing of the body is a blessing from God. That’s why it’s important for every child of God to flee from the appearances of evil, because the Lord’s blessing can’t bring prosperity where sin thrives.

The Bible says:

“Whoever abides in Him does not sin. Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.”
I John‬ ‭3:6‬ ‭NKJV

Whenever a sick person realizes that he has committed a sin; a decision must be made to repent of it. That’s when God’s Light can shine through the heart of the sinner, to cause the darkness in his life to disappear as he repents.

Spiritual healing takes place when sin is eliminated, thereby opening the door for physical healing. And physical healing begins as the Light of Christ shines through the heart, to begin the process of bringing life and restoration of health to a diseased body.

The process of healing begins immediately, while the person whose sin has been forgiven flees away completely from the sin. This process can either be quick or slow, depending on how the person is growing in faith while feeding on the healing promises of God.

Spiritual healing is very crucial for the physical healing to begin in the body of such an individual. A sinner must turn away from a sinful lifestyle pattern and receive the forgiveness of his sin, so that he can be healed. It is the spiritual healing that brings deliverance to the soul from the works of the devil.

The Healing of a sick or diseased body comes by the stripes of Jesus Christ. Nothing can stop its flow. The stripes of Jesus Christ have all the power in it to heal you today.

But to be able to receive your healing, it’s important to understand that it is the Holy Spirit Who works in bringing it to you.

The Holy Spirit is the conduit of the power from the stripes of Jesus Christ. That’s why it’s difficult to understand people who wants God to heal them, but who don’t want to learn how the things of God’s Kingdom works.

They want to receive the miracle of healing without listening to the word of faith for the healing of their bodies. They don’t want to know about God’s way of doing things, yet they want Him to heal them.

God heals through His word.

The Amplified Bible Translation of Matthew 6:33 explains to us how things work in God’s Kingdom. It says:

“But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides.”
Matthew‬ ‭6:33‬ ‭AMPC

Getting to know God’s way of doing things positions us for the very best from Him. When we are acquainted with “His way of doing (things) and being right”; we will understand the best approach for us to make our requests known to Him in prayer.

A lot of people don’t know how to approach God in prayer, then they wonder why their prayers are not being answered.

The Christian walk becomes easier when we are following God’s way of doing things. When we are assuming that we know His way of doing things, without listening to His word while it’s being taught or preached, we will miss the opportunity to get to know God more intimately.

When we are seeking God’s Kingdom and His righteousness, we are also seeking His methods of healing us.

This translation of the Bible says – “His way of doing and being right”. God’s methods of healing us, is His way of doing things and doing it right. You must not only know His way of doing things, but you must also do it right, so as to get your desired result for healing.

Most of the time it’s the attitude of the heart, that prevents people from doing the right things to be healed. You can’t miss your miracle of healing, when you do know and you’re doing what it takes to get it.

We can’t miss God for as long as we are following His way of doing things. Healing from sicknesses and diseases is one of the things that God does by His Spirit. And He has countless methods of healing a diseased body (1 Corinthians 12:9); just as He has countless methods of blessing us also.

But the primary way for God to heal us is through His word, even though the conduit for our healing is the Holy Spirit.

Healing always flows from the stripes of Jesus Christ, and the primary way of its manifestation is through His word, as it’s being received by faith. God’s methods of healing are countless, but His word always brings healing to us.

As an example, all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit reveal God’s methods of doing things in His Kingdom. His gifts always manifest spiritually.

They will always manifest something which our own words may be able to describe, but which can’t be comprehended with the human mind. And that may be in the form of His spoken word, or through the revelation of His perfect will, as we are following it for our lives.

It takes the spirit of a man to comprehend the things of God’s Kingdom. And such things need to be received before your mind can become enlightened in comprehending them.

For example, the Apostle Peter was once praying at Joppa, when He fell into an open vision (a trance). He saw an image of unclean animals. He initially could not understand what it meant.

But as he followed the leading of the Holy Spirit he was, finally, able to interpret the image with words later on in the house of Cornelius.

And this is how God may choose to deal with you also. But it’s generally not a pattern of His way of doing things in His Kingdom.

Peter had said to the crowd in Cornelius’ house:

“ .. You know how unlawful it is for a Jewish man to keep company with or go to one of another nation. But God has shown me that I should not call any man common or unclean. Therefore, I came without objection as soon as I was sent for. I ask, then, for what reason have you sent for me?”
‭‭Acts‬ ‭10:28-29‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Peter finally understood that the image of the unclean animals had everything to do with the gentiles (sinners). To the Jews the gentiles are unclean. And according to Jewish law Book (the Torah), they are not supposed to be associated with the gentiles.

We saw an example of this also in the way, that Jesus answered the gentile woman who wanted Him to heal her daughter. The Bible says:

“The woman was a Greek, a Syro-Phoenician by birth, and she kept asking Him to cast the demon out of her daughter. But Jesus said to her, “Let the children be filled first, for it is not good to take the children’s bread and throw it to the little dogs.”
‭‭Mark‬ ‭7:26-27‬ ‭NKJV‬

Jesus had referred to this woman as a “little dog”, because of the Jewish law that forbade Him from associating with non-Jews.

We can see here that Jesus was being obedient to the Jewish law, so that by His act of full obedience to the law, the law itself might become fully completed in Him.

But by the time when Peter had the vision of unclean animals, Jesus had already ascended into Heaven. The Holy Spirit had descended on the believers in Christ Jesus and was already living in them. The shedding of the blood of Jesus Christ had finally opened the way into the presence of God for the gentiles (sinners).

Peter was being led through this vision into the perfect will of God for him at that moment, in a very dramatic way by the Lord. God’s word was being revealed to him in a manner that he never knew before.

The spiritual gifts of the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom will often come to us in this way.

God is still speaking through visions and dreams today. It’s important to pay attention to them through the guidance of His written word.

The healing of sicknesses and diseases, including the deliverance of the captives can come through visions and dreams.

But each interpretation will always reveal what God wants to do, in a manner that we can understand and articulate with spoken words.

That’s why the Bible says:

“He sent His word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.”
Psalms‬ ‭107:20‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

God’s word is the primary source of all healings. That’s why it’s important to always meditate on God’s word. Spiritual Truth from God can only be understood through His written word in the Holy Bible.

A lot of people often make the mistake of dealing solely in visions and dreams. They are being ignorant and being misguided about the way that God works.

God may speak to us in visions and dreams. But His primary means of speaking to us is through His word.

That’s why it’s important to interpret every vision and dream, based on the foundation of His written word in our lives.

And as long as you are standing by faith on God’s word, even while in the spirit, you will never miss God’s assigned method for you.

People who are often being carried away with visions and dreams are easily entangled in the net of the devil. He knows how to use them to confuse those who are solely relying on them, as the basis of everything that they are doing in the name of the Lord.

When you are meditating more and more on God’s written word, it becomes difficult for the devil to confuse or deceive you.

The Lord may use any of the gifts of the Spirit to reveal His will to us, but the source of all that He does is always in His written word.

And His word is Spirit and life (see John 6:63) – be it spoken or written. The Spirit is the carrier of His word to us, with the purpose of impacting His life to us. Healing takes place when we are open to receive God’s word by the Holy Spirit.

Don’t get deceived by the devil. 

That’s why we always need to be careful about the words that goes through our thoughts into the heart. The devil uses words as well, in manifesting himself with sicknesses and diseases.

Just as God manifests Himself through His word for the healing of the body, the devil manifests himself through negative words through thoughts.

Once the word of the devil is conceived in the heart of those who believes in it, it manifests the works of evil into their world. Evil is increasing daily on the earth, as people who are open to be used of the devil, are receiving and conceiving the words of the devil within their hearts and speaking it with their mouth.

There are people on earth today who are involved in silly experiments which are demonic in nature. A lot of young people in the world today have gotten themselves into trouble by experimenting with drugs, sex, alcohol and even witchcraft.

They are seeking to be dominant within their peer groups. And their silly quests for dominance and fame have become a trap that the devil is using to get them.

The devil uses words to entice them. He uses words to manipulate and control those who are paying attention to him.

That’s why the Apostle Paul advised us in spiritual warfare to be:

“Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”
‭‭II Corinthians‬ ‭10:5-6‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

As a Christian it’s important to always bring every thought of evil that comes to you, down to the obedience of Christ.

Thoughts will always come to us in the form of words that passes through the mind. Those devilish thought-words about being sick or being involved in an accident, must always be brought down immediately, to the obedience of the words and promises of God for your life.

For example, to bring every thought of being sick down to the obedience of Christ, you’ve got to be ready in season and out of season, to resist the words of being sick immediately it crosses your thought pattern.

Cast it down immediately while affirming everything that Christ had accomplished on the cross for your healing.

Don’t give any room in your thought life to the devil at all (Ephesians 4:27).

Jesus had destroyed all the works of the devil, including sicknesses and diseases. There is no need for any child of God to be sick at all. Don’t ever entertain the thought of being sick at all.

Cast it down to the obedience of the promises of God about your healing and good health, by confessing those promises of God instead.

No sicknesses and diseases can touch you, for as long as you are under the covering of the blood of Jesus Christ.

This means that we must be prepared to fulfill and complete our act of obedience to the Spirit of Christ in our lives.

The blood of Jesus can’t cover any act of disobedience to His word. There is no protection of His blood for being disobedient to the word of God. And when you are not confessing the promises of God over your life, you are being disobedient to the word of God.

Don’t let the devil deceive you into being quiet or silent about God’s promises. Speak God’s word to fight the devilish thoughts.

It is the blood that makes atonement for our sins (see Leviticus 17:11). And without the shedding of the blood there is no atonement for sin. The blood of Jesus places an edge over the life of any Christian, for as long as that Christian is walking in the Light of Christ.

A Christian who crosses the blood line to enter into sin, is exposed to the attacks of the devil.

The devil will do everything possible to entice anyone into sin. He doesn’t care about who you are. He will try to tempt you and entice you into sin. But you don’t need to take anyone of his baits.

And just because you might had sinned before without any consequences for it, doesn’t mean that you are okay. Satan is luring you into his net. He knows how committed you are to the Spirit of Jesus Christ.

He will not attack you so quickly, but eventually he will, as soon as the weight of sin has weakened the effectiveness of God’s word in your life. He knows that your commitment to Jesus is dangerous to him.

He recognizes that you still have an effective authority over him, so he will weaken your ability to use that authority with the presence of sin in your life, before attacking you with sickness.

He will wait until sin dominates your life completely, before going on the onslaught to attack you for the destruction of the body. He will wait for you to get well established in sin, before going after you by bringing you down with sicknesses and diseases.

This is what he does always in targeting strong Christians, who are dangerous to him. Sin can open the door for sicknesses and diseases into the life of any Christian. Flee from sin and start living for righteousness now.

As the Bible says:

“But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then, when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, brings forth death.”
‭‭James‬ ‭1:14-15‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

When sin is full-grown it will eventually bring death – spiritually and then physically due to the sickness. A believer in the name of Jesus who can’t use his authority in that name against the devil is obviously struggling with sin.

The devil has weakened his ability to deal with sin, but he needs the help of those who are strong in faith to get him out of the trap of the devil.

But by quickly repenting of sin and getting back into fellowship with the Lord Jesus, that Christian can be saved.

God wants to heal everyone of His children. He doesn’t want anyone of His children to come back home to Him through sicknesses and diseases. He desires that you come home peacefully, without necessarily going through the agony of pain through any form sickness or disease.

Walk in love always, to stay healed.

The Bible commands us in the Passion Translation:

“Yet we can be assured that we have been translated from spiritual death into spiritual life because we love the family of believers. A loveless life remains spiritually dead.”
1 John‬ ‭3:14‬ ‭TPT‬‬

Spiritual death is the separation from God’s Zoe life. It is the root cause of sicknesses and diseases. But when we are resolved to stay in love with one another, we can continue living the spiritual life with Him.

Spiritual life with God brings healing and good health.

A spiritually healthy Christian loves all believers in Christ. They may not be of the same denomination or Church with one another, but he knows that he has been called to love them.

Jesus said:

“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another. By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”
John‬ ‭13:34-35‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

Don’t ever be caught saying that you hate another Christian. It will bring you separation from the love of God.

If you want to live long life and be in good health, open your heart to embrace your fellow believers in Christ Jesus. It will give you the protection of Heaven from sicknesses and diseases.

Those who can’t love other Christians cannot live long. Stay in love no matter the price for doing so.

The road to staying in love with all Christians is not smooth. Jesus never said it will be easy.

That was why He said it to us as a command. Loving your fellow Christians is a command from Jesus to you. It is never a matter of choice or an option. You are commanded by Jesus to stay in love.

Are you open to obey this command? It will keep you healed and healthy in life.

It will cause you to have the boldness of approaching God at any time, and for anything in prayer. It will keep you at peace with all men and protect your joy in the Holy Spirit.

That’s why you need to be prepared to live for the Lord at all times. There is a high price to pay for falling into the trap of the enemy. Don’t make yourself his target.

Stay in love. Live life – healed and healthy with the joy of the Holy Spirit every moment of your Christian life.

That’s how to live a fulfilled and satisfied Christian life while staying healed and healthy in the body.


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