Can you imagine being given some medications by the doctor, that were meant to be taken daily as prescribed for an ailment.
But on receiving them you got home and just threw them on the kitchen counter, while completely forgetting about the instructions of the doctors concerning them. You ignored the medications and never took any one of them.
Then the next time you went to the doctor’s office, he was surprised that your health has not improved at all.
The doctor then asked you about those medications. And you responded by saying that they were at home. He then followed up with your response by asking you, if you had been taking them as prescribed. You just decided to brush off the second question, by not saying anything to him in response.
Then after spending some time inside his clinic the doctor told, you that because your health has deteriorated, you will have to be placed under medical observations for a few days at the hospital.
The doctor was getting more concerned about your health. The information that he had received from the laboratory results about your health, according to him were scary to him. He knew that you may eventually die, if he doesn’t do something to help you out.
But instead of being in agreement with him, you were surprised that he wanted to find out what is going on with you. In your personal opinion there is no need for what he is doing, because you feel great in your body about yourself.
You were going along with your personal opinion, but the doctor sees something different apart from that in his diagnosis. He sees things that you couldn’t discern based on how you feel in the body.
So, he advised you to forget about your feelings, because he sees something that’s a serious threat to your health.
You never wanted to be on admission in the hospital, but there was nothing that could be done to help you further.
Then all of a sudden it dawned on you that, if you had been taking the prescribed medications, you probably could have avoided being in the situation that you have found yourself.
But unfortunately, you had ended up being at the dead end, that you never planned to be in for a whole week on the hospital bed. Your feelings had deceived you. You now have to pay the price for it.
Eventually, as you were being discharged from the hospital, you were given the same prescription medications again to be taking on a daily basis.
But this time around you got back home and took them for a day or two. Then afterwards you completely stopped taking them, because you don’t like taking prescription medications. This time around you decided to keep them far away from your view, inside the kitchen drawer that you rarely do open.
You don’t like taking pills and you felt like the doctor was trying to force you to do what you hated to do. You thereafter decided to be “shopping around” for another doctor.
But while you were doing this something really bad happened to you. You passed out unexpectedly at a friend’s house, who called the ambulance to take you back to the same hospital.
Barely two weeks after you had stopped taking your prescribed medications, you found yourself sick again in the same hospital.
But this time around the condition of your health has gotten worse. You had not been consistent in following the doctor’s order. You have failed yourself and have disappointed your doctor, who by this time has developed a bonding relationship with you.
Now you are in a situation where the doctor doesn’t know what to do further to help you.
He looked at you one day by your sick bed and told you frankly, that he understands that you dislike taking pills generally. But he advised you further that there was nothing he could do to help you in this situation.
He told you that it’s a matter of choice between life and death for you. He told you that his job is to preserve your life by getting you healed, and that he would appreciate it if you would work together with him on this. He even suggested to you that he would be happy to get you off the pills, as soon as your health condition improves.
However, in a few days later at the hospital the doctor ended up giving you more sad news about your health, which had deteriorated because of your disobedience to follow his simple instructions. He told you that you might have to be on the pills for the rest of your life.
Your face turned stone dead. You finally realized that you have done this to yourself. Now you have ended up in between the rocks in a hard place (1 Samuel 14:4).
God’s word is the medicine for your healing.
The above striking narrative is an illustration of the paradox of a typical Christian’s life, who is struggling to put his faith in the promises of God for healing. A paradox of the Christian who is often being led by his own feelings instead of the word of God.
It’s the same way that he treats the doctor’s order, that he is attending to the promises of God for his healing. He goes to Church so often for prayers, just as much as he visits the doctors so as to get healed.
Nothing is working to help him, because he’s not disciplined enough to help himself by obeying God or even his doctor.
This is the paradoxical attitude towards God and His written word by certain Christians, concerning the healing of the physical body.
Jesus is our Healer – the Perfect Physician of the body. He was there when you were formed in your mother’s womb (Psalms 139:13-16).
He knows every part of your body more than any medical doctor on the earth. His written word had been given to us for our healing, just as a medical practitioner can give you the prescription medications to be taking.
The Lord had given us His word for healing. If a Christian can easily follow the orders of the medical doctors, without any reason to question them, why then does it have to become so hard for him to obey God’s word?
This is the exact attitude of some people towards the promises of God in the Bible about healing. They are very good at following the doctor’s order, but it’s so difficult for them to get into the scriptures, so as to meditate on God’s promises for their healing.
It’s possible for anyone to know about the scriptures, without necessarily being a student of it. And just because you are familiar with a particular scripture text, does not necessarily mean that you are paying attention to what it says.
The knowledge of God is progressive. We grow daily in our knowledge of God and His word. And when we get into eternity, we will still be learning more about many things, that we don’t understand on the earth.
Being familiar with something does not necessarily means that you do have the true knowledge about it.
We grow daily in the knowledge of God’s word, just as a baby grows daily by feeding and relying on the mother’s milk (1 Peter 2:2).
A baby cries until he gets fed by the mother. In the same manner within your heart is a cry or thirst after God like that of a baby, which can only be satisfied by looking into His written word for your daily spiritual food.
You can’t possibly be drawing strength for today, from the meal that was consumed three days ago.
The meal that was consumed at that time is gone. You need another meal for today. And if we can remember to eat three times in a day, how can we forget to be feeding our spirit man with the food, that the Lord has given to us for our healing?
The very same manner by which the man from the illustration above treated his prescription medications, is exactly how some people are treating God’s promises for healing, which had been given to them.
It’s on their kitchen counter or inside their bedside drawer. They are sick and they can’t even remember where their Bible is. Just as they dislike taking pills, they do have a hard time reading the Bible daily.
It’s only when they get into trouble with the physical body that, they will snobbishly remember to go into those promises of God for their healing by meditating on them.
Their attitude towards the things of God is depriving them of the very best from Him. They are not meditating on God’s promises about healing day and night, as they are supposed to be doing (Joshua 1:8).
So therefore, they are frequently getting sick, while struggling with the habit of putting God’s promises within their hearts, which the devil is exploiting to destroy their lives.
That’s why healing has passed them by. When we are not doing what the Lord tells us to do, we will definitely suffer the consequences of our own actions of disobedience to His word.
God is not to be blamed if you are not healed. You have yourself to blame for it.
When you are not being consistent about meditating on God’s promises for your healing, you will have yourself to blame for it. That’s why many are struggling to get healed today.
The Bible says:
“My son, give attention to my words; Incline your ear to my sayings. Do not let them depart from your eyes; Keep them in the midst of your heart; For they are life to those who find them, And health to all their flesh.”
Proverbs 4:20-22 NKJV
To incline the ear to something that is being said means that, we are paying careful, constant and particular attention to its details. You are paying attention to it with your eyes and with the heart, while your mouth is declaring what you believe with your heart.
It’s what you are completely devoted to with your heart and with your mouth, that will eventually manifest in power to you.
That’s how God’s word works to heal your body and restore your health. God’s word can always be trusted to do what it says.
A Christian who had been healed before, but who is not consistent about meditating on God’s word day and night, concerning his healing will be unable to sustain that healing.
People do know how to follow the doctor’s instruction about their prescription medications, so as not to fall sick again. They will follow it studiously and consistently by reading and paying attention, to what is going on about it on the news and on the internet. They will read everything about the side effects of the prescriptions.
But God’s word does not have any negative side effects by reading and declaring it, yet they can’t swallow the thought of reading and declaring it at all.
It’s like someone is putting so much on them that they can’t take, when they’re thinking about opening the Bible.
And they are always the first people to ask for prayers in the Church so as to get healed. Whereas God’s word that’s for their healing is right under their nose, but they won’t even bother to take a look at it.
In fact, many have become so good about following many things in the world these days. They are consistent with persistency about following the latest developments about their sickness, because they understand the consequences of doing otherwise.
But when it comes to God’s instructions to them about how to get healed, they will shutter and shrug them aside.
It’s somehow strange when such Christians have to find it difficult, to obey God’s word by spending more time with it.
We meditate on God’s word consistently, because we want it to sustain the healing of the body for our own good health.
It’s not God who needs to get healed. It’s you. You are the one who needs to get healed.
So, get into God’s word and receive your healing by faith. Putting God’s promises of healing into your heart and on your lips will quicken your healing process.
Remember that:
“He sent His word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions.”
Psalms 107:20 NKJV
You have to make the choice to get healed. Nobody can make that choice for you, just as you can make the choice to obey your doctor or not to obey him.
God had made all provisions available in Christ Jesus for your healing. But you will have to be consistent about putting His word, before your eyes and into your heart and your mouth day and night.
If you can put those prescriptions into your mouth, surely you can be putting God’s promises on your mouth day and night also.
It’s in our consistency of doing what the Bible commands us to do, that the power to be healed and stay healthy lies. What you are consistent in doing gives you power.
If you’re sloppy in your attitude towards the proclamation of God’s promises for your healing, you will never be able to tap into the word of His power.
A lot of Christians who do have a sloppy attitude towards the things of God are carnally minded. They can’t grow in the things of God’s Kingdom. Their sloppy attitude is depriving them of the very best from God.
We had been called into a lifestyle of consistency before God. You can’t therefore be hot today and cold tomorrow with your faith before God (see Revelation 3:15-16).
God always honors our persistent and consistent faith.
Choose to be persistent and consistent by paying attention to this matter. God wants you to be healed, strong and healthy. Don’t let the devil and the world around you, cut you short of God’s goodness into your life.
Remember the words of the Prophet Isaiah:
“You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind [both its inclination and its character] is stayed on You, because he commits himself to You, leans on You, and hopes confidently in You.”
Isaiah 26:3 AMPC
Just one minute of overflow by meditating in God’s word and declaring it, may be the difference between your ability to live and not die of that sickness.
You are the person who determines what happens at that very minute, and not God. Your attitude at that moment of meditation determines your ability, to be able to tap into the healing power of God.
Choose to be persistent and consistent in God’s promises, and your healing will suddenly break forth.
Be steady and focused. Don’t get yourself distracted by the world around you. The Lord has His eyes on your faith to bring you the desire of your heart. It’s your faith in God’s promises of healing to you, that will eventually deliver you from that sickness.
Stay healed and healthy in Jesus’ name! And rejoice always in the Lord.