The Bible is a miracle book, just as the life of a Christian should be full daily of miracles, signs and wonders also.
This is the major difference between real Bible Christianity and the religions of this world. The religions of the world are all devoid of the power to save and to heal the sick, which can only be found in the lives of those, who are practicing Christianity as a way of life.
Therefore, if the life of any child of God has no supernatural power of God, he will have nothing to give to this world apart from a dead religion.
The absence of miracles, signs and wonders in the life of a Christian is the reason why; many people of the world’s religions will often want to compare Christianity with their own religion. Otherwise, they would have been absconding their dead religion to worship the Living God.
But as the people of God, we are always victorious – knowing fully well that Jesus Christ is Lord over all of the earth.
Miracles, signs and wonders are therefore the hallmarks of a born-again child of God. They are what distinguishes you as a Christian from the people of the world, who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Be empowered to be His witness.
Jesus once described how these hallmarks in a Christian’s life are manifested when He said:
“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.”
Matthew 24:14 NKJV
According to Jesus the gospel has to be preached to all the nations of the world “as a witness”.
In other words, the gospel must be preached as “a proof of evidence” to every nation on the earth.
The same word “witness” that was used here by Jesus has its origin in the Greek language as “martyras”.
It means – to attest to something as being a factual presentation of the truth.
Being a witness to miracles, signs and wonders has the ability to transform your testimony of the truth about Jesus. It makes your testimony authentic.
If you have ever seen the sick being healed in the name of Jesus, you do have a testimony that can do the same thing for others through you.
You are therefore not a secondhand witness, but a factual witness of God’s power for salvation and healing to the unsaved world, which doesn’t have that encounter of God’s power.
Jesus said again:
“You are witnesses of all these things. “And now I will send the Holy Spirit, just as my Father promised. But stay here in the city until the Holy Spirit comes and fills you with power from heaven.”
Luke 24:48-49 NLT
Jesus was referring to the miracles, signs and wonders which His disciples had witnessed as being in His name. They were “witnesses of all of these things”, but they needed the divine presence in their lives that would transform them into being just like Him.
He knew that there is no way anyone can be able to do all that He did, without the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit was sent to empower every believer in the name of Jesus, to be able to perform the supernatural – to save the lost, to heal the sick, and to deliver those who are in captivity.
All creations are longing to see the gospel preached to them in this manner with miracles, signs and wonders.
But for the believer in Christ Jesus to be regarded as a witness, the faith of that believer in the working of wonders by the name of Jesus is important.
In the Acts of the Apostles chapter 1:8 Jesus said again that, we will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. He definitely was referring here also to the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
This is the supernatural encounter with God which empowers every believer in Jesus’ name, to be able to present the gospel with the proof of the evidence of His signs and wonders.
That means without the encounter of being filled and baptized in the Holy Spirit; a believer in Christ Jesus cannot be an effective witness.
Christianity will not be different from the other religions of the world, without the help of the Holy Spirit who is living and working in our lives, as we are walking in the purposes of God for us on the earth.
Even though we do believe that Jesus died, rose from the dead and ascended into the heavens; our faith as witnesses of this supernatural truth would have been ineffective today without the help of the Holy Spirit.
Believe in the proof of evidence.
Before His ascension back to the Father, Jesus gave us these promises:
“And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.”
Mark 16:17-18 NIV
These promises of Jesus are all in the affirmative. He gave them to us with the assurance that, these signs will definitely follow us as we are preaching or bearing witness to everyone, about what we have seen being done by others in the name of Jesus.
These are His promises to us with the guaranteed assurance that they will be fulfilled, as we obey His last command to “go ye witnessing” to the end of the earth.
He never said that sometimes the miracles, signs and wonders will accompany our witnessing. Or that sometimes they will not. That’s not what the scriptures say.
He never said to us that sometimes the sick will get healed. Or that sometimes the demons may be expelled in His name.
He indeed said that the sick will be healed in His name. And that we will cast the demons out in His name.
If you are witnessing about what you have seen the name of Jesus do before for you or others, then there will be no controversy about it. Miracles, signs and wonders will accompany your testimony.
A Preacher was once confronted with demonic activities as he was preaching. He commanded the demons to get out in the name of Jesus, but rather than leaving the devil intensified his activities before the crowd.
But all of a sudden, the voice of Jesus spoke to him saying:
“I never told you that they may go in my name. I said that they will go in my name”.
That moment became the turning point of his ministry. He knew immediately that he was in charge of the situation, and not the devil. All authority belongs to him in dealing with the devil.
He therefore commanded the demons to go away, and never to come back again in the name of Jesus.
He heard the demons screaming out of people, and leaving the room where he was preaching. Every sinner in the room eventually gave their lives to Jesus on that day.
I had also often heard some people of certain Christian denomination say different things, about the supernatural workings of God.
They will say things like, “sometimes God will heal the sick and sometimes He will not heal them”; because according to them God’s sovereignty and omnipotence over all of His creations, supersedes anything that we may ask of Him in prayer.
And also, when people died as a result of being sick, I have heard them say out of ignorance concerning the will of God to save lives and heal the sick; that the Lord had taken the deceased home into the heavens.
They will use the words of Job, during the trial of his faith to blame God for the death of the sick.
Job had said:
“ .. Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return there. The LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; Blessed be the name of the LORD.”
Job 1:21 NKJV
Of course, God has nothing to do with the death of the sick person. He is the Giver of Life and He gives it always (John 6:63).
The devil is the one getting people sick and killing them.
David once said:
“I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the LORD.”
Psalms 118:17 NKJV
This is one of God’s covenant promises to everyone, who has been written off by the world on the sick bed today.
David knew that the devil is the one killing people, but he chose to stand his ground by faith against him. And every child of God ought to be standing their grounds against Satan in this way also.
What David was saying here was that he would rather be a witness to the works of the Lord; instead of being a witness to the works of the devil.
In other words, your full and complete recovery from what the enemy wants to use in destroying you, will make you a factual witness of miracles, signs and wonders in the name of Jesus.
There are some other people who will say that God may sometimes deny a believer’s request in prayer.
But that’s basically contrary to what Jesus had said. Jesus gave us the assurance or guarantee for answered prayer when He said:
“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.”
Matthew 7:7-8 NIV
And again, He said:
“Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
John 14:12-14 NIV
Jesus said empathetically here that:
“You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.”
Jesus used the verb – “will” again here, in attesting to the fact that miracles, signs and wonders are guaranteed with our use of His name.
Any attorney in court may attest that the use of the verb – “will” by Jesus, is a guarantee that whatever we ask in prayer is a done deal. Jesus will do exactly what He has promised, or whatever we ask for in prayer.
If we are to take these promises of Jesus today, before a judge in a courtroom as His contract with us. And if a jury were to examine these promises, as the proof of evidence of what He had said.
The court will absolutely affirm that, the proof of evidence shows that His promises to us are a done deal. Jesus is bond to do what He has promised you. There should be no doubt in you about it at all.
Ask in the name of Jesus.
Are you a witness for Jesus? You do need the baptism of the Holy Spirit to empower you.
Open up your heart and your mouth right now, as you say these words out loud to Jesus; asking Him to fill you and baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
“Lord Jesus, thank You for saving me. I am grateful for the joy which, You have brought into my life.
Now I need You to fill me up, by baptizing me with Your Holy Spirit and fire. I thank You for it right now, as I invite the Holy Spirit with His infilling into my life. I am grateful for His gifts in my life right now, in Jesus’ name. Amen”!
Now, get yourself into a Church that believes and functions in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
Your spiritual growth is guaranteed in a Church like that.
And let us know about your experience, after saying these words out in prayer to Jesus. We would like to hear your testimonies.
Fill out our contact form on this link, to let us know what Jesus is doing in your life.
Bible Vision International Ministries has partnership Churches in over sixty nations of the world on all the continents. We will surely get you connected with a Church near you, where miracles, signs and wonders are daily occurrences.
Thanks, and God bless you.